The Business of Life with Dr King

Genius Turner: Embracing Your Inner Genius and Cultivating Happiness from Within!

Dr Ariella (Ariel) Rosita King Season 1 Episode 6

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Join us for an enlightening episode featuring the insightful genius Turner as we explore the essence of happiness beyond the chase for external achievements. Have you ever wondered if happiness could be the natural outcome of realizing your fullest potential? Turner takes us on a journey through time, weaving ancient philosophies with modern insights, to reveal how inner growth is akin to a caterpillar's metamorphosis. Discover how nurturing your potential can cultivate happiness from within, independent of external circumstances.

Remember the pure joy of childhood wonder? Turner invites us to rekindle that childlike curiosity, suggesting that our inherent genius, much like a guiding spirit, can lead us to fulfillment if we dare to pursue our passions. By referencing theological concepts and ancient Greek thought, we delve into the transformative power of embracing our unique talents. Imagine turning your hobbies into a career, much like children who find happiness in an unconstrained world, and rediscovering a life of contentment and joy.

As we reflect on human evolution and societal progress, Turner emphasizes the importance of individual effort in transcending primal instincts. By focusing inward and practicing self-reflection, we can uncover the happiness that is inherently possible within us. Turner shares profound insights on how our mindset and attention shape our experiences, encouraging us to recognize that the life we seek is already inside us. This episode is a gratitude-filled conversation, sparking inspiration for listeners to embrace their journey towards happiness and fulfillment.

The Business of Life
Dr Ariella (Ariel) Rosita King
Original Song, "Teach Me to Live one Day At A Time"
written, guitar and vocals by Dr. Ariel Rosita King

Dr King Solutions (USA Office)
1629 K St, NW #300,
Washington, DC 20006, USA,

Dr King:

Welcome to the Business of Life, and today we have our guest, genius Turner. He's going to be talking about how can I become happy, a question that he gets from many people on LinkedIn and other platforms. Sir, welcome.

Genius Turner :

Hi Dr Kane, I'm so excited to be here.

Dr King:

We are so excited to have you. I love this topic you're talking about. Please tell me why have you chose the topic? How can I be happy?

Genius Turner :

Well, I'll say, for years, the various platforms on which I've been active, whether it's LinkedIn, medium, usually people will reach out to me, whether it's via email or DMs, and the number one question that's usually posed to me is genius, how do I live a happier life, right? Some people reach out to me, say they're dealing with depression, things of this nature, and it's a great question, and I'll tell you why it's a great question, dr King. If we were to rewind the clock right, let's say 2,500 years ago, aristotle and Aristotle this guy was really important. Oftentimes people confuse Socrates, plato, aristotle. Just notice Socrates was the main guy. Socrates taught Plato, plato taught Aristotle and then Aristotle taught the world.

Genius Turner :

Believe this, dr King, this one guy. He was responsible for every field, from biology to zoology, to logic. Aristotle's the founder of all those things. But you know the one field that was the most important to him Happiness. So he said, happiness is the goal and the purpose of life. Everything that we do, dr King, is for one chief aim. When we wake up in the morning, we brush our teeth, we go to work, we eat food, they all have the same goal. You know what that goal?

Dr King:

is Happy.

Genius Turner :

We want to make money to become happy. We want to get in relationships to become happy, right, so the question is how do we become happy? So let me ask you, dr King, from your POV, what is your approach to happiness, before I expound, Well, it depends.

Dr King:

I think that I have learned to be happy no matter what's happening in my exterior world. So there are times that I have learned to be happy after being fired from jobs, that I have learned to be happy after being fired from jobs. There are times that I have been happy after not getting some of the main, whatever goal it is, and I have decided that happiness is not contingent upon that exterior factors of what happens to me, but happiness depends on how I feel about myself and how I perceive what's happening outside of me.

Genius Turner :

Mm-hmm. Okay, I like that answer. That's a great answer. Happiness, right? Look.

Genius Turner :

So right now I'm in my work study where I work. I have my MacBook, I got my little phones. I have two figurines. Right, I have two, one is the Buddha and one is Einstein. These two represent two distinct realms that contribute to our happiness. This is the science and this is the end of the nirvana. So Einstein, he's important and this all correlates to happiness.

Genius Turner :

He had the great insight, dr King. He said your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions. So, a century before we heard of the secret and the law of attraction, albert Einstein had already figured out what we're predominantly thinking. Guess what, dr King, we're manifesting. Ah, this is important.

Genius Turner :

Tying into Einstein's insight Buddha, when he was still the prince Siddhartha Gautama I love that he called it dukkha desire. In other words, dr King, the average man wants to be rich, the rich man wants to be king, the king wants to be God. That means no one is satisfied. The Buddha said so, to tie these two in together, let's go to happiness. How does it tie into happiness? And I'll tell you how, dr King, and this is the same thing I tell to anyone who reaches out to me if they say they're dealing with depression, if they've went through a divorce, if they've lost their job. I tell them all the same thing Happiness is a result, not a goal. Let me say that again Happiness is a result, not a goal. So obvious question is a result of what I'll tell you. This, dr King, and to your viewers and listeners whoever grasps this, truly grasping and taking it to your being, your soul, and live from it, I assure you your life as you know it will completely change, because when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Tell me when you're ready, dr King, I need a drum roll. This is a big one. Okay, here it is. This is the secret to happiness. Here it is For all of the human beings. Right, it's 8 billion people on this earth, that's 7 million thousand people on this earth, but we all have the same secret to happiness. Here it is, dr King. We're all here to realize the truest, fullest expression of ourselves as human beings. Let me say that again we're all here to realize the truest, fullest expression of ourselves as human beings. In other words, by reaching your full potential, I mean in the entire gamut of your existence in your body. Try to have the best body you can have. Try to eat the best food you can eat. Try to eat the best foods you can eat, try to be as intelligent as you can and, as a consequence, what will follow? Happiness, happiness. There it goes.

Genius Turner :

So if you're ever feeling sad or depressed, look at the word Break down a word. Depress. The root, press. Something's pressing you down. What's pressing you down? Ah, I'll tell you what's pressing you down. Before it becomes a butterfly, right, the caterpillar, it has to go up. But in order to become a butterfly, it has to what it has to be a metamorphosis, it has to evolve. So if you're not growing, if you're not reaching your full potential, you'll feel that, ah, ah. If you tell yourself for your New Year's resolution pardon, I'm going to work out boom, boom, boom, amount of days. And if you miss a day.

Dr King:

What happens you?

Genius Turner :

feel that right so bad, right so bad. If you're in a committed relationship with someone and you know you flirt with a coworker or something, intuitively you feel what Bad. There you have it. That's the key to have guilty somehow. We have to figure out how to reach our fullest potential. If we don't reach our potential, or strive for it anyway, the universe, or whatever you want to call it, it kind of spanks us a little bit. We call that sadness. That's the answer to the riddle.

Dr King:

I love that. I think that many people try to figure out how they can make their way, how they can make their own path towards quote unquote their own happiness. And this understanding, that desire, right as you say duku or duka duka, seems to be the pitfall I want more, I want more, I want more, you know, which I really do understand. So is there another word for happiness that we're missing?

Genius Turner :

Well, the ancient Greeks time back into Aristotle and many of the Stoics. They preferred the term eudaimonia. Right, but that again, though that ties in to reaching your fullest potential. It always again, and this is our maxim, our premise happiness is a result, not a goal, it's just a by-product. It's almost as if nature or the universe incentivizes us to make the most of ourselves. That's just the name of the game. We don't make the most of ourselves. That's just the name of the game. If we don't make the most of ourselves in all three components, all three facets mind, body and soul in some way nature will tax us, and we call it sadness or just feeling down. That's the Einstein, another great quote. You have to learn the rules of the game game, and then you have to play it better than everyone else. And this thing we call life is a game, dr King, and the rules of the game are look, as far as I know it, right. And I'll ask you did you choose your birthday?

Genius Turner :

As far as you're conscious, because spiritually we can have another conversation right, let's stay within a realm of empirical science, just for the okay, fine, did I choose my birth date, that's, I would say yes well, okay, well, according, according to scientists, we're just staying within the realm because everyone, generally across the world, we all agree to science, right?

Genius Turner :

Whether you know there's some people, whether they're atheists because everyone, for the most part, gives credence to science. Right, all the sperm cell had the fertilized egg right. And then there's the zygote and all of your genetic instructions are contained within there and then you sprout from there. So to that extent we don't get to choose that, do we agree?

Dr King:

No, exactly, and we don't necessarily choose our birth date. It just depends on what happens within the gestation period.

Genius Turner :

Right, so if we don't choose our birth date, we don't necessarily get to choose our death date either. Now you can draw your inference from there.

Dr King:

Good, point Very good point.

Genius Turner :

So let's think of a pendulum. Okay, this is the birth date, this is the death date, so who says we're really choosing? But that's a conversation for another day.

Dr King:

But you know, I think there's something to this idea that you're talking about, about choice, especially when you talk about desire, because I think many, many of us not everybody looks at if I can have this one thing, whatever it is, if it's a particular home or a particular partner or a particular wife, or a particular degree or a particular job or whatever it is, or a particular amount of money in the bank or going on a particular vacation, whatever that particular thing is. Many of us think that if I get that one thing, or when I do that, I will be happy, and then I think the letdown is understanding that that one big happy that we're all looking for is not necessarily right there after you get that particular thing. So my question to you is it seems that so many children have happiness, that right even when they have tragedy.

Dr King:

Even when they have tragedy, even when they have poverty, they seem to be able to have moments or minutes or times of happiness without any goal to get born. What is that?

Genius Turner :

Oh, it's so beautiful. You asked me this question, dr King, 30 minutes before you, and I have had to sit down. Remember, originally we were going to meet at three but four. I meditated for 20 minutes, right, that question flashed into my consciousness, so I had this already ready for you. Oh, hold up, can you see it? Let me make sure you can see it.

Dr King:

Growing up as a trap. Love it, love it.

Genius Turner :

I had it ready for you, dr King.

Dr King:

Now I don't want to get metaphysical, I don't want to it's OK, my life is like that, it works fine, so, ok, great, let's talk about that. That's wonderful.

Genius Turner :

Let's keep in mind, I'm born on leap year and we're in a leap year. So you know, I'm born on leap year and we're in a leap year, so I'm into my little metaphysical water, so to speak. So growing up, dr King, is a trap, and what I mean by this? Adults are nothing but children with responsibilities, see what I mean. So to the extent that someone takes on responsibilities and takes on that role, they lose that childlike quality. That's why and again, I don't want to get too much in the spiritual realm, but I'm just speaking in terms of strictly theology, not religion, just theology In the Christian tradition, in the Christian tradition, in the New Testament, jesus of Nazareth clearly tells them you must be like a child to inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Genius Turner :

He clearly tells them that in the New Testament. Why? Because children are what they're innocent, they have wonder, they have curiosity, they're not worried about tomorrow, they're not bringing on yesterday's baggage, because the word is how do you say it, dr King? In joy, in joy, right. He tells us the mind is everything. Internal is where it comes from. When a rich man asks Jesus of Nazareth, where is heaven? He's looking up to the sky. The Nazarene says no, the kingdom of heaven is within you. That's why children, as a rule of thumb, are happier than their adult counterparts. Because the royal hasn't told them yet. Dr King, you got to have this spouse, you got to make this much income. You have to do this and then you could be happy. Then you can get your pie in the sky. But, as you pointed out 10 minutes ago, that's a fallacy. That's a mirage in the desert, because when you get there, there's no, there, there.

Dr King:

Right, and on the way there you actually find out what you're looking for anyway.

Genius Turner :

Right, right. So yes, children, to the extent that you can be more childlike. There was a philosopher named Arthur Schopenhauer. He had a great aphorism and it went to the effect every child is partially a genius and every genius is partially a child. Right, or picasso had the great insight uh, every child is born a genius, but the problem is how to figure out, how to stay a genius as you grow. I mean, because the adult role you need to get a job. Be realistic, knock it off, you know.

Dr King:

Be realistic when it's career day.

Genius Turner :

Get a job that's going to pay and give you financial security. Don't follow your bliss. Don't stay true to your passion.

Dr King:

Very true, Very true. So do you think that, when you know you were saying to me that there are people that actually write to you and the biggest question is how to be happy? Do you think that they've forgotten who they are and what their true journey is supposed to be?

Genius Turner :

To add on to that insight. Not only do people ask me how do I become happy, they also ask well, you're a genius, how do I become a genius too? And that's when I tell them this. Back to Socrates. Back to the ancient Greeks, right? And why are the ancient Greeks important? This guy is very important to me, by the way. He's my fellow Pisces. Albert Einstein, right? This is the original genius. Every night he would read the ancient Greeks, socrates and these things, and the reason he read Socrates? Because Socrates was arguably the greatest philosopher.

Genius Turner :

So the Socratic method, dr King and I'm tying this in to happiness, the Socratic method was real simple. Socrates said wisdom begins with clear definitions Got me. I'll say it again Wisdom begins with clear definitions. So in most cases, dr King, people use concepts but they're not fully conscious of what those concepts mean and what the implications are. So when people ask about happiness how do I become happier and how do I become a genius too I say, ok, let's use a Socratic method and let's go back to the original meaning of the word genius. So if you go back to this is etymology here If you go back to the origin of the term according to the ancient Greeks. You ready for this, dr King?

Genius Turner :

Every man and woman was born with a genius. For the females, they call it a Juno. So by definition, according to the ancient Greeks, this genius is a tutelary spirit. You're born with it. It's almost like a guardian angel, it's an inclination. You ever hear something, you ever see some children? They'd be like oh, that child, you see, he's going to be a lawyer when he grows up. Or who is Beyonce? Or Michael Jackson, they were saying. When they were five years old, they were already entertaining.

Dr King:

What do they call them? Old spirits or old Old souls? Old souls?

Genius Turner :

Old souls. So my point being this, dr King, every human being has a special talent. In other words, everyone can do one thing in a special way. In a special way Like I had an uncle, my uncle Mike. Right, dr King, this guy was blessed with a talent for artistry. I mean, he could paint just to an extreme, but you know what? He gave up on it, he didn't follow it. So that ties into happiness. Oftentimes people feel unsatisfied in their career because they're not following their inner genius, that inborn Remember the original meaning of the term your inclination, your inborn tutelary guide? Is it that you do? Naturally, I always ask people if money were not an option, right, if you were financially secure, what's your hobby? What would you do for fun? Okay, then Figure out how to turn your hobby into this. That's it.

Dr King:

I love that. So that's, I guess, going into not just following your bliss but actually doing what you're naturally talented at, or, as you say, you're a genius. You're a genius, then, allowing it to develop. May I ask you? It seems that one of the reasons why people don't go towards their genius including someone like your uncle, who you said was a painter was most likely that he didn't have the support that he needed or the encouragement to do that. So what can we? I mean, can we talk about the environment that we're all in and trying to find those who surround us and encourage us to meet and develop our genius?

Genius Turner :

Yes, see the challenge that we're having right now. Right, and Dr King, right now we're in what Say 2025, right, it's about to be 2020. We're still as a species. We're still evolving. I tell this to people all the time just give us time. We're taking baby steps. Right? Think of this 60, 70, 80 years ago, it would have been against the law for you and I to have dinner with a Caucasian in a restaurant. Just really think about that. Within a span of the past decade or so, we had a black president living in the White House. I'll say that again.

Dr King:

You're talking about America. So this is good in America because we do international but America specifically.

Genius Turner :

So think of the tremendous progress we've made. Think of that In 1919, women's suffrage was 1919, right, that's about a century ago. So women couldn't vote until 1919. In 2016, there was a female candidate who won a popular vote by 2 million. So I'm not trying to get into politics, but I'm trying to underscore the point how we're evolving as a species. So my point being we're still a bit undeveloped, we're still a bit crude. So in society, in our governments, it's still too much elitism. It's still too much emphasis put on, let's say, the top influencers, whether it's Elon Musk or the Beyonce's, so as to say they're the special ones and everyone else is down here, as opposed to championing the whole, saying everyone has genius potential. Let's tap into that. Let's not just say there's a few chosen ones. We haven't reached that point yet. You understand what I'm saying.

Genius Turner :

Yeah, this makes a lot of sense, yeah, it's until the, the general curriculum and the education system and the government and the sponsor ads, until we collectively raise our consciousness. That's always going to be a challenge because Because implicitly there's a certain implicit elitism that unless you went to Harvard or you went to this family, or if you have this, you won't fit the qualification.

Dr King:

Therein is our misstep right, that's a very good point, and I think that that's internationally too. So when I look at other countries too because I've lived in 13 countries and I've traveled to over 80, I think that what you're talking about is something that has to do with human beings. No matter what country you're in, even in the animal kingdom, I think it's the same. You have your alpha, you have the number one, a number one person or animal or whatever it is number one, a number one person or animal or whatever it is, but the and then you have, um, those that work for that person, and then you have those that try to take that person down, to be that person right, to be that number one.

Dr King:

So I'm thinking that perhaps, yeah, I'm thinking that this hierarchy perhaps is um human rather than by country. It's, but then, okay, let's say that's so. How do we take the fact that we want to be happy, we want to figure out what our genius is, we want to be able to live through our genius and still kind of meet the world where it's at, which is one that is a competitive world and one that does have hierarchy, and it doesn't seem that's going to go away. So how do we transpose that? How do we go beyond that to try to meet our goal of being genius and happiness.

Genius Turner :

Wow, you've raised a very fascinating question and, dr King, I want to say you're doing a great job here. You're doing a great job, you're good at what you do, the word would be you're doing a great job.

Genius Turner :

You're good at what you do. The word would be incisive questions, right? Incisive? They're not just surface level questions, they're questions that really strike at the root of key issues. That's a great question. I would answer by saying this the greatest biologist right Right Considered by most as Charles Darwin, right, his magnum opus was the origin of species. So in the origin of species, dr King, charles Darwin essentially figured out that Homo sapiens, we share a common ancestor with an ape-like creature. Right Today, geneticists know 98.8 of our DNA is the same as chimps. What does that tell you, dr King? That's very important. My water bottle is only halfway filled, but if my water bottle was filled to this point, right, that's how much percentage of an ape we would be, and this is how much we are human. Think about that for a second.

Dr King:

Or the apes are more like us humans. We could turn it around.

Genius Turner :

Whatever the case is Right. That's a fair point. The little one to two percent Charles Darwin was kind of intimating. That's the part of us that's civil, that's good. But we're having to deal with that 98 percent. As a consequence, we're still dealing with wars and all types of things. I won't even put our attention there. That's the challenge we're having. So the only way by which we can kind of evolve beyond that Darwin kind of hinted at the word is to civilize. To civilize is to remove the savage nature. In the religious tradition they call what Baptized to cleanse of the lower nature. So that's an individual process. That's not something anyone outside of you can do, because when you're alone with yourself you alone have to. As Charles Darwin had the great quote what he said to the extent I was looking for monsters and then I realized I was sleeping with them.

Dr King:

I love that. Yeah, looking once again within, huh.

Genius Turner :

That's an individual challenge. We each will have to. We each have to, so to speak, carry our own cross. No one can do that for us.

Dr King:

May I ask you, sir, how do you find your happiness? Where does it come from? If I could be completely honest with you.

Genius Turner :

This is just being completely honest with you Again, to my two heroes here. This represents science, this represents religion. So my work is called Religious Science, dr King, where I'm conflating the two Right, and that's building on what Einstein, my fellow Pisces. He had a great insight Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. In other words, dr King, einstein figured out religion and science are essentially Siamese twins, separated at birth.

Genius Turner :

So I answer your question here about how does? How do I find my happiness to build on that thing? Ok, so the physicist right he's wearing his white lab coat he tells me the first law of thermodynamics is energy cannot be created or destroyed. That's science. It can only be transformed. I shake his hand. I love that, but guess what? The priest, the theologian. He tells me god cannot be created or destroyed. Wait a second here, wait a second here. I'm not saying I'm the smartest guy in the room, but to me it sounds like one guy is saying hello, the other saying hola, one saying bonjour, the other saying ciao.

Genius Turner :

So my point being is this If everything is energy in disguise, if everything is God in disguise and this goes back to the first organized religion, hinduism. Hinduism says everything is Brahman disguised, and everything from the aardvark to the zebra, right? That's why in Hinduism they champion vegetarianism, because they believe all animals have the one within them. I find my happiness to the greatest degree possible, dr King. I try to realize God in flesh just to my degree. Me personally, right? Because I read the New Testament. And when Jesus of Nazareth says I and my father are one and they picked up stones to stone him, dr King, you know what he says in the New Testament. He says according to your law. It says you are God's too.

Genius Turner :

So my point being is this by striving to be as God-like as possible in a way in which I relate to human beings, every human being I relate to, I see them as God in flesh, so I treat them accordingly. Thing I relate to, I see them as God in flesh, so I treat them accordingly. I'm a vegetarian because I believe. Just as I didn't ask to come here, the cow didn't ask to come here. So who am I to take his life? I try to work on my body daily. Why? Because life gave me life, so I want to preserve life. So, as a consequence of going through life, through this remember I told you to tie it all in. Happiness is a result, not a goal. There you have it so, by and large, most days, as my mother would love to say, it's pretty good.

Dr King:

My goodness, I want to thank you for this amazing conversation. It's really wonderful to talk about happiness, and thank you so much for allowing us to turn to ourselves and look back into ourselves and understand that we are the life that we're looking for and that we all have the possibility for happiness within us rather than outside of us. So, sir Genius, thank you so much once again for this incredible interview, and I do hope that you'll come back again, because 30 minutes is just not enough. So, thank you. Would you like to leave our audience with some last thoughts or some last words?

Genius Turner :

The last thought I will leave the audience with is I want you to always remember this you become what you give your attention to most of the time.

Dr King:

That's my takeaway insight thank you, and thank you all for listening to the business of life and we'll see you again. Thank you.